Weekly Patent News Highlights 2/10 – 2/11

February 14, 2014

Patent reform has the potential to weaken the United States Patent System. Weakening our patent integrity would have a direct effect on independent inventors, small entities, employment rates and the U.S. economy, not to mention our global influence.

Watch this video of Dr. Greg Raleigh, Founder & CEO of ItsOn, talk about the U.S. Patent System and how patents incentivize incredible risk for innovators across the country.

This week we have articles that demonstrate the effect that proposed patent legislation will have on innovation. If you are unfamiliar with this issue, or would like a clearer understanding of what is at stake, check out the articles below and let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Latest Patent News Highlights Here:

Patent lawsuits: Senate legislation would seriously damage innovation sector

IP Watchdog: Unite to Fight Patent Reform Legislation

Time is running out for inventors and we need your help. Click here to take action and send a letter to your Senator and express your concerns for our economy!

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