
Patent Highlights

Weekly Patent News Highlights 9/8/14

August 8, 2014
As the summer comes to a close, the effort to push for educated and thoughtful patent reform begins to pick up once again. This week’s highlights include articles covering patent rights and grants, as well as a look into intellectual property and its effect on economic growth.
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Weekly Patent News Highlights 8/1/14

August 1, 2014
This week’s patent news roundup kicks off with a post from Patent Truth that targets the accuracy of the “patent troll” narrative. The post contains multiple challenges to the stance of those who are pro-patent reform, and the main take away is evident in this quote: “news media…and many other observers of the patent-policy debate now seem to approach the topic with an assumption that all patent lawsuits are detrimental unless proven otherwise.
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Weekly Patent News Highlights 7/18/14

June 18, 2014
This week we hear more about the positive effects of the Targeting Rogue and Opaque Letters Act, or TROL Act. This bill is one step in the right direction towards smart patent reform.
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Weekly Patent News Highlights 5/13/14-5/22/14

May 26, 2014
This week’s roundup includes articles from high profile news outlets such as Slate and Re/code, as well as a statement from a group of American inventors regarding Leahy's decision to delay patent legislation. Slate looks into the history of patent litigation and in response, applies the “Patent Troll” title to some of America’s most famous inventors including Thomas Edison and Charles Goodyear.
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